
" You have so much opportunities to achieve than we ever had in our childhood. When we were young, We had to (insert generic Indian parent exaggerations) "
We hear our Elders complaining pretty much all the time, as they watch us sitting as Couch-potatoes, scrolling through social media, and we nod our heads just to make them content for not ignoring them !
(Pretty much my case through the whole quarantine phase !)
But had they taken the liberty to actually look into the said opportunities that we, the current generation, are "blessed" with, they would have found something interesting....
What used to be a lack of Educational Qualification in their time, has transitioned into a lack of vacancy in the current job market !
And to make matters worse, this ease of being educational qualified by a wide variety of resources has increased competition in many job sectors, to the point where graduates are left without a job as they leave college, or are forced to accept peanuts if they luckily land a job. 
No, I am not saying it is a bad thing that nowadays, everyone has the equal opportunity to get educated anywhere at anytime, but if they are not given the resources and opportunities to apply what they have learnt, it is a loss of time and potential.
The current scenario of those aggressive competitive exams, where hapless students are sent to coaching centers and fed the notion that,  they are only successful if they crack these exams, or they are complete losers. THIS IS TOXIC MANIPULATION. PERIOD
And when these students go bonkers under the pressure, the society blames the parents, or even the child for undergoing such stress, while the whole system should be put under blame.
" But the whole situation is changing, many students are opting for alternative degrees which might lead to high-paying jobs.... !"
Yes, that's correct, but you must understand,  that "might" has a lot of role to play in the decisions of Indian families,  most importantly, Indian parents.
When Sharmaji ka beta gets good scores, gets enrolled in a good college, and gets a high paying job, that's more than enough to influence the decisions of Indian Parents in the future of children from even extended relations, and even the whole neighbourhood !
Passion is not the major contender here, Financial Stability is.
When You see millions of brilliant students attempting an exam for limited posts, one has to stop and think that only a fraction of these brilliant minds are needed to start a company, write a book, or follow their passion, to change the world.
But here they are, writing away and burning a lifetime, just because someone told them that they will achieve financial stability and status in their community if they achieve this post....
Dreams and goals aligned to More Money, More Power and Status is the prime concern of any Indian Household.
(Exceptions do exist, of course.)
This would have been an acceptable if this were a poor and impoverished family, trying hard to meet ends meet.
But if this is the case for the rich and powerful, one can only point fingers to insatiable greed.
But, alas,  the lesson the Indian Youth has always been thought is " If you are stable, you are safe, if you are rich and powerful, the more worth you shall be to the society."
No wonder the Brain Drain has increased in the recent years, and politicians in India cry for "Atmanirbhar" without even providing incentives to make it a reality !
Patriotism doesn't bring food to the table, Netaji !!!
Unless our current generation looks up to  entrepreneurs, writers and thinkers, the same way they look up to celebrities,
Unless the Educational System downsizes the monopoly it plays over the future of us students, and diversifies, educating our parents to believe us in finding our passion and help us when we make mistakes,
Unless the Government invests in the Youth and believes in making a change,
We will still be slaves , but this time, It will be our own folly..
                               - Fulan Qadsi


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